Image for needles
Many private companies will provide containers you can mail back after you fill with sharps. The Tippecanoe County Health Department will accept used needles as long as they are in a sharps container. It is legal to put used syringes in your household trash, as long as they are safely packaged and will not endanger sanitation workers. Put used hypodermic needles, lancets and other blood contaminated sharps in heavy plastic detergent bottles with screw on lids. Label clearly "Sharps, Don't Recycle" when you start each new container. Duct tape the lid shut and place the container in your trash when full. NEVER set out loose needles.

Location NameLocation AddressLocation PhoneWebsite Address
Sharps Disposal 1-800-207-0976
Sharps In. 800-772-5657
Tippecanoe County Health Department1950 S 18th Street, Lafayette765-423-9221